Brands that you can order directly from Japan
We would like to offer our customers all the products we can order in Japan. That's why you see this page now. We do not have this brand in stock for space reasons and have to order it for you. Because we have no storage costs for the item and we do not have to assume that the item may not be sold for months, you always get a discount of -15%! In the next section you will find out how the ordering process works and how long it takes for the goods to arrive.
It's very simple. You select an item from the brand, for example on and use the contact form. Alternatively, you can also send an email to Important: You order without risk! You only have to pay when the goods have arrived at our warehouse. For large pre-orders or items over 200 EUR value of goods, you must pay a deposit of 20 EUR.
We always execute our orders at the end of the month. Depending on the workload in Japan, it can sometimes take 21 days for the delivery to arrive. But better to wait than not get it, right? You can see all dates and deadlines in the table:
Month | Latest order date | Order executed | Est. arrival time |
January | 29.01. | 31.01. | 14.02. - 21.02. |
February | 26.02. | 28.02. | 14.03. - 21.03. |
March | 29.03. | 31.03. | 14.04. - 21.04. |
April * | - | - | - |
May | 29.05. | 31.05. | 14.06. - 21.06. |
June | 28.06. | 30.06. | 14.07. - 21.07. |
July | 29.07. | 31.07. | 14.08. - 21.08. |
August | 29.08. | 31.08. | 14.09. - 21.09. |
September | 28.09. | 30.09. | 14.10. - 21.10. |
October | 29.10. | 31.10. | 14.11. - 21.11. |
November ** | 28.11. | 30.11. | 14.12. - 31.12. |
December *** | - | - | - |
* No order due to "Japan golden week holidays"
** Customs clearance can take longer due to the high number of parcels
*** No order due to "Japan end of year holidays"